The Importance of Resilience

The question posed is how does one begin to learn the concept of resilience? Once you’ve conquered this, your mind and body work together to expose your true strength. Being resilient means being able to adapt and bounce back when something difficult happens in our lives. So, what can we learn from this? After all, when it comes to training, resilience is key.
Becoming resilient is a process. It’s your body having to teach itself the concept of acceptance. So, what else does resilience offer besides the positive notion toward being self-aware? Well firstly, it offers the ability for us to learn important traits such as personal control and commitment. As we become weakened by something, we begin to feel as if things will soon go from bad to worse, and the risk-factors of “should I” or “shouldn’t I” begin to set in. Being able to gain the strength to recover and regain stability is what makes you resilient!
What is Resilience? Why is it Important?
Resilience has many meanings. In terms of training it can mean the difference between reaching your goals or failing. Having resilience can help you better tolerate the work load your coach gives you, which is important when working alongside your coach.
But how do we gain resilience? Are we just born with it? Human nature has a built-in program that allows us to build on our ability to achieve our goals. It is imperative we have the right mindset in order to access this.
An article written by TIME Magazine referencing children who have experienced trauma lists resilience as a psychological state of mind. In which case, children who have experienced trauma while growing up – for example, living in an abusive household – explains how this awful experience has actually made the child stronger, and more resilient to the adult world. The ability to become resilient is a lifesaver when it comes to trying new things. According to an article written on Inc, you must engage your body and mind into learning how to stay tough, and master your emotions before they master you.
What are the Main Concepts of Resilience?
There are many concepts of resilience, and all of them express different meanings. In terms of training, there are four main concepts that you must learn to achieve greatness.
Bouncing Back
To accomplish your goals, you must become tolerant to falling down, and you do this by bouncing back up, like your child-self did when you lost a sports game or fell off your bike for the first time. Did you simply think ‘well, that’s it, I’m done’ and walk away never to try again?
Learn from Your Mistakes
Nothing in life ever comes easy, remember that. You must want to achieve your goals for them to manifest into the real thing. It will be a bumpy ride! So, let go of those pesky voices in your head saying “you’re not good enough”, and “just quit while you’re ahead”. Instead try something along the lines of “okay, let’s try again” or “come on, one more time, I’ve got this!” Greet mistakes as a friend, and allow them to teach you how making them can be a good thing!
Release All That Negative Energy
Whether you’re into meditation or not, finding time to simply relax after a long session or day can mean a world of difference. Doing so switches on the positive mindset in your brain that is needed to reach your peak of resilience. Writing in a journal is an excellent way to release all those negative thoughts. Make sure you find a suitable energy release system that best suits your lifestyle, and embrace it.
You must truly have faith in what you want. Let nothing hold you back from making your dreams a reality. You will find that this sense of determination means the difference between becoming stronger or getting weaker. The key with determination is to never, ever give up – no matter how hard or hopeless things might be.
How Does Resilience Impact Training?
In terms of training, resilience means the difference between being coachable and being uncoachable, you must understand that training is a two-way street. As Gloveworx owner Leyon Azubuike said, “as a coach I take tremendous pride in helping people clear their personal battles, their personal obstacles, and walls that they might not be able to burst through on their own.”
Those who have the mindset to achieve their goals are taking the first step to doing so. For example, if you walk into a training session, fail one task, then walk out never to return, what kind of example is that setting? Resilience in training is now recognized as a defining characteristic of those who deal well with the stress and commitment that hard work and training throws at you.
When you walk into a training session with solid goals, you must have the determination to achieve them! Once you begin to think this way you will see a change in your attitude toward your coach and will start to develop a positive outlook for the future. Resilient people are empathetic, and will thank their coach for teaching them, no matter how good or bad you think you are. Know that practicing resilience can transform you into a higher spiritual and physical being – but only if you want it to happen.
What Lies Ahead
To achieve a state of resilience during tough times, we must pay attention to the complexities and difficulties of our experiences. We must listen to what our mind and body tells us, and be willing to accept the sense of disappointment by learning from it.
We all experience times in our lives where the pressure of trauma and pain begins to build to our breaking point, and life becomes a struggle. However, learning about ourselves and knowing how to channel that energy is what makes us resilient. If we take these obstacles in front of us and turn them into opportunities, we will feel confident in our abilities to grow as a person. Truth be told, failing is a part of life; it’s unavoidable!
All of us will experience times where we fall down; it’s whether we choose to get back up or not that is important. Imagine living a life where you didn’t take risks, where every activity was written out in an instruction manual in front of you. It’s your life, Become Unstoppable!
“Resilience isn’t a single skill. It’s a variety of skills and coping mechanisms. To bounce back from bumps in the road as well as failures, you should focus on emphasizing the positive.”
Jean Chatzky
If you’d like to learn resilience while working alongside a professional coach, why not sign up for a session at GloveWorx today!