Morning Motivation To Help You Nail Your Early Workouts

The alarm goes off, you wake up easily, make some coffee, and head out the door to the studio. You have an amazing workout, shower, go to work, and have a productive and positive day.

Sounds perfect… except sometimes, it feels like everything goes wrong, your mornings are too chaotic, and you can’t make it to the studio.

Morning workouts can be effective in helping you reach your goals because you will be proud that you got the workout done so early and you will see that you truly can do anything that you put your mind to. Once you have a few early morning workouts completed, you will want to keep it going, and you will set goals in other parts of your life, too.

You will have the self-confidence since you will know that you’ve set your mind to something and gotten it done.

If you need some morning motivation to get those workouts done so you can set yourself up for the day that you want, read on.

How To Start The Day With Intention

You already know that you want to wake up, get to the studio, and have an amazing workout, but it can be tempting to hit the snooze button and tell yourself that you’ll go later today.

You want to get into the habit of a morning workout routine, and that will become easier if you can start the day with intention.

This means that instead of starting the day without a game plan, you will be in control of your schedule and routine. You won’t look at the clock and see that it’s 11 a.m. and feel like the morning got away from you and you haven’t gotten anything done yet.

For example, if you start the day with the intention (or plan) to work out early, you will tell yourself that you want to wake up at 6 a.m. so you can make it to the studio within the next hour or so. You’ll set mini goals for yourself (eating a post-workout snack or breakfast, drinking enough water, getting certain tasks done at work) and will meet those, too.

Your early morning workout will, essentially, get the ball rolling for the rest of your happy (and productive) day.

There are so many reasons to work out in the morning before work:

  • You’ll feel inspired and happier during the day
  • You’ll kick start your work day
  • You’ll be in a better mood
  • You’ll be a more motivated employee

To Become Unstoppable in the studio, you must have an intention for your morning. Tell yourself that you want to do this since you want to have a full life that involves training hard, doing your best at the office, and having a great personal life, too.

Also tell yourself that you can do this. Once you’ve got a week of early workouts done, you’ll feel like you can totally handle this.

Building habits is the way to go here. You want an intention (for example, say to yourself “If I put my clothes out the night before, I can get dressed fast and make my early morning workout.”) You also want to follow Habit Stacking (getting up early and then going to the studio can fit together) and add your habit to your schedule. You also want a reward (which can be anything that you choose).

This will become easier the more that you do it.

Use a Mantra

You’ve probably heard that a lot of people love meditation. It’s a great way to take a few minutes to yourself and many people start their day by meditating.

Meditation is all about mindfulness and staying present and living in the moment. This can help you with your workouts since you want to focus on achieving your goals.

Some people like to meditate with a mantra since otherwise, it can be tough to stop yourself from thinking about your to-do list or something that went wrong yesterday.

Use this mantra: “I’m going to work hard, try my best, and push myself.”

Sit somewhere in your house (it could be anywhere -- even your backyard or balcony) and repeat this mantra a few times.

Once you get into the habit of making this part of your morning routine, you will feel ready to face the workout and the rest of the day. It’ll just become something that you do.

You can definitely create your own mantra which will be fun and this way, you can make sure that it’s something that feels right for you.

Creating a mantra can help you reach other goals because once you get into the habit, you will want to have a mantra for all parts of your life. For example, when you walk into the office and have an important presentation or meeting, you can create a mantra.

You can say to yourself, “I’m going to speak up, be confident, and crush this meeting.”

Create A Mindset Shift

When you want some morning motivation to help you nail your early workouts, creating a mindset shift is important. You want to stop thinking of working out as something that you “must do” because that can be a negative way of approaching it.

It’s a good idea to find some inspirational quotes and read them in the morning before heading to the studio. Maybe you even want to write them down and put them somewhere (for example, on your bedside table, dresser, bathroom mirror, or even next to your coffee pot in the kitchen).

Here are some quotes that will get you feeling fired up and ready for your morning workout:

“Without self-discipline, success is impossible, period.” -- Lou Holtz

“Success isn't always about greatness. It's about consistency. Consistent hard work leads to success. Greatness will come.” - Dwayne Johnson

“You have to expect things of yourself before you can do them.” -- Michael Jordan

These quotes prove that getting into the studio on a regular basis is what matters. If you do the same thing without giving up, you’ll get positive results.

Once you have some motivational quotes, you can shift your mindset so you see your early morning workouts as a positive thing that you really want to keep doing. You want to be successful and reach your goals of living a healthier lifestyle.

Develop A Morning Routine

Many people who are successful in their personal and professional life develop a morning routine. There are so many ways that you can start your day, and once you find the perfect fit, you won’t believe how much you look forward to it.

Here are some steps to develop a morning routine that gives you motivation to nail your early workouts:

1. Think about how you need to start your day

Do you want total silence? If yes, you can incorporate meditation, or you can read for 10-15 minutes (depending on how much time you have). If you want something louder and more inspiring, you can listen to music or a podcast.

2.) Meal prep breakfast and drink some water

Depending on how early you’re working out, you might want to eat a snack or small breakfast before you get to the studio.

If you meal prep, you can bring some overnight oats or a smoothie with you and enjoy them after your workout is done.

You also want to focus on drinking water, so after waking up, you can drink a glass of water (with some lemon slices if you would prefer). Make a ritual out of it and give yourself permission to slow down a bit instead of rushing out the door.

Of course, you want to drink your morning coffee, too. After you’ve hydrated yourself after being asleep for 7-8 hours, you can go for the coffee (and the first sip of coffee can be a reward).

3.) Don’t open email or social media until you’ve been up at least 20-30 minutes

Many people wake up and look at their phone, but it can be a stressful start to the day when, instead, you want to feel ready to crush your early morning workout (and whatever else happens that day). Since social media has actually been said to make us feel anxious and alone, it’s a good idea to wait before opening up your feed in the a.m.

4.) Do what you can the night before

Sometimes what you do at night can help you find success with your morning routine. For example, if you get enough hours of sleep (generally 7-8 hours for most people), you will wake up ready to start the day and feeling good.

Whether you want to keep your workout clothes in an easy to find place or prep breakfast the night before, you’ll be creating an action plan for success.

If you can create a morning routine that involves an inspiring mantra, some meal prep and some motivational quotes, you’ll get out the door faster and look forward to your early morning workouts.

If you want to Become Unstoppable, book a session with our coaches today and find the location that works for you. You can also follow us on Instagram for daily motivation.