Switching Goals | When, Why, and How to Do It
There’s no better feeling than setting a goal and crushing it, is there? You work hard, you commit to a game plan, and you exceed your expectations. Just like you, all contenders have goals, because they’re all dedicated to self-improvement and seeing exactly what they’re capable of.
The question is, when is a goal the ‘right’ goal for you, and how do you know if you’re working towards the ‘wrong’ one?
If you set goals, you’re working towards something tangible. What matters is that you set goals that you, firstly, can realistically achieve, and secondly, care about enough that you’ll keep on working towards them.
Without goals, it’s easy to lack direction. That said, goals can change if they no longer work for you or if they don’t align with your vibe.
How do you know, then, when it’s a good idea to switch your goals, and how do you know it’s the right move for you? Let’s look at why goals matter, the most common reasons for changing track, and how to find a new goal to work toward.

What are Goals and Why Do They Matter?
A goal is something specific that you’re working towards. It’s tangible, and you can define it. Put simply, goals give you a reason for getting out of bed in the morning. They give you purpose and they push you to change for the better. Goals should be:
- Challenging - goals make you accountable to yourself and push you to do better .
- Achievable - a goal shouldn’t be too easy, but it shouldn’t be too difficult, either - the aim is not to discourage yourself.
- Clear - if someone asks you what you’re working toward, you can tell them.
- Worthwhile - no matter how big or small your goal is, it should matter to you.
Whether you plan on losing a few pounds or you’re training for a fitness event, your goal makes you a winner, and you shouldn’t just give up on it without a good reason.
Is it ever a good idea to switch goals? Yes, it can be. Here’s why.
Why Switching Goals Can Be a Good Thing
Switching goals keeps you engaged in your own personal development. Perhaps you’re reconsidering what you want out of life, or you no longer feel passionate about a goal that once meant everything to you.
Self-awareness is important for everyone, and the more you challenge yourself, the more you understand what matters to you. Pursuing what makes you happy, and what makes you feel fulfilled, is critical to your overall well being.
That’s why it’s a good idea to switch up your goal sometimes. Switching goals can encourage you to pursue something bigger. Something more challenging. Something that gets you fired up and ready to seize the day.
Remember, contenders - winners like you should always be looking for a way to improve yourself.
Before you consider switching goals, though, you should be asking yourself why you want to make the switch. Here’s what we mean.
When to Find a New Goal
One of the main reasons to find a new goal, is that your “why” isn’t in alignment with the goal you’ve set. Here’s what you need to know about finding your “why.”
When Your Why Is Unclear
Everyone needs a why. The ‘why’ is the reason for pursuing a certain goal. Examples of ‘why’ could be:
- “Feeling good about how I look is important to me”
- “I want to feel strong and healthy”
- “Being fit enough to bend over to pick up my grandchild in my old age matters to me, so I’m looking after my body now”
What these points all have in common is that they show why someone cares about the goal they are pursuing. The ‘why’ is unique to the individual. For example, 10 people could be out to lose 10 pounds, but they want it for different reasons.
What does this all mean? It’s simple. If you don’t know why you’re pursuing a goal, it might not be the right goal for you.
Besides the ‘why’ factor, there are other reasons you might want to change up your goals.
The Goal is Too Easy
This one is a no-brainer. There’s no point in setting a goal if it’s just too easy for you, or if you’ve already achieved what you set out to do.
For example, maybe you planned on waking up every day at 6am to get a workout in. If you do this easily, or you’re waking up even earlier, it’s no longer a goal -- it’s an achievement. It’s time to find yourself a new goal, contender.
The Goal Isn’t Realistic...Yet
Sometimes we get so excited about achieving something new that we push ourselves beyond what we’re capable of right now.
It might not be realistic to, say, run a 10k after a few weeks’ training if you’ve never ran before in your life. Similarly, you probably won’t be a boxing expert with perfect form after one session.
We applaud you for setting your sights high; you can still plan on reaching these goals eventually. Right now, you could set smaller goals, such as booking a few private coaching sessions or running three nights a week and going further each time.
Switching your goal to something more manageable isn’t admitting defeat. It’s a sign of self-awareness, humility, and strength.
Life Threw Some Curveballs
Despite our best efforts, life sometimes blocks us from what we want. An injury could sideline you and make it impossible for you to achieve a specific goal right now. Or, something could change in your personal life that makes it really difficult to train as often as you want.
We can’t control everything that happens to us, and sometimes, life forces us to change our goals. It happens to the best of us. What matters is how you respond to this new challenge. Getting over a challenge in your life could be a goal in itself.
How to Change Your Goals
If you’re convinced that it’s time to tweak your goal or change it altogether, the good news is that it isn’t difficult to set a new goal. What’s important is that you have a clear idea of where you want to go, and why you want to get there.
Start by looking at your current goal. Assess what’s wrong with it. Is it unrealistic for you right now? Have you lost motivation and you no longer care about this specific goal? Have you lost sight of why it’s a goal in the first place? Ask yourself these questions first.
Once you know what’s ‘wrong’ with your goal, think of what you can replace it with. Here are some tips to get you started:
- Break your goal into smaller, manageable goals: if you want to lose 50 pounds, start by saying you want to lose 10 pounds, then go from there.
- Decide what matters to you: if you don’t enjoy running anymore but you love training with ambitious, driven people like you, a goal could be to try a new group training session and make new friends.
- Accept that setbacks are part of every winner’s process: nothing worth achieving is easy. Responding to setbacks and rising above challenges is what separates the achievers from the non-achievers.
Set the Right Goals Today
At Gloveworx, we’re here to support you and see that you smash your goals, whatever they are. Whether you plan on perfecting your right hook or you simply want to get fitter with a group of people who “get” your vibe, our 1-to-1 coaching sessions and group training will get you where you want to go.
You can’t quit at the first hurdle. Just because the going gets tough doesn’t mean you give up. You’ll never find out what you’re capable of unless you push yourself.
We’ll see you at the finish line.